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Frigidaire Frenzy - $100 Rebates

Each family is unique but
we all have in common:

  • the love for our family
  • the desire for happy and healthy living
  • the passion to create a better community

Frigidaire's expertly crafted innovations help every family waste less and live happier, healthier lives.

Making healthy foods yummier

Get a crispy, golden finish with little to no oil with Air Fry. Or explore new ways to cook within your oven with slow cook, steam bake, and more - all powered by Total Convection.

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Reducing Food Waste

An estimated up to 30 – 40 percent of the food supply in the United States is wasted. CrispSeal® Fresh crispers offer technologies not found in traditional crispers, to ensure your produce stays fresh and crisp for longer.

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“I’m trying to live more simply. Less food wasted, less stuff. More time with my kids.” – Megan, AL

2Over a year when using normal cycle in a our stainless tub compared to our plastic tub.